The Natalie Project

This is who they are:

“The Natalie Project (#themtoo) is a family-driven sexual assault prevention advocacy organization whose mission is to raise awareness that the rate of sexual assault amongst people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) is of epidemic levels due to a vulnerable system. The Project empowers caregivers with effective planning tools to manage suspected abuse and builds a community of advocates for systemic change.”

This is why I’m adding my voice:

“We want every person with intellectual and developmental disabilities to have their voice be heard and to be unafraid of sharing their stories. Their voices can be heard through loving care providers, effective planning, adaptive technology and a consistent agency response system. All of these methods work together to fight against the normalization of sexual assault and the idea that it should not be reported and dealt with in a serious manner.”

I am honored to be on the Advisory Board for this project! I’ll be lending my voice and experiences bringing Nicky’s Law to Massachusetts as they work toward a similar abuse registry in California!

About us

We are Stratford, a place of educational excellence.

We equip your children for their chosen field of study and careers with lifelong learning skills.

99 Education Way
Stratford, London
United Kingdom

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